Occasionally I teach classes to artists and writers about creating and maintaining a blog. I just checked in on a few blogs created by people who took one of these classes, to see how they are progressing. The answer is: very well! Here is an entry from Jessica Baldanzi's Commons Comics , dedicated to reviewing graphic novels. In the post I link to, Jessica talks about Fatherland, which seems to be a serious exploration in graphic form of a person's family roots in the former Yugoslavia. Jessica's writing is extremely clear and engaging. On Common Pages , the writer talks about something close to my heart -- music -- in a blog post reviewing a book about the history of the Cleveland Orchestra. And on The Barefoot Norwegian, Connie Geissel has a blog post with the title Almost Eaten by a Bear . Which gets full marks for grabbing your attention and forcing you to read it. Nice work, everyone!
Artist Philip Hartigan talks about art, interviews other artists, and more