Yesterday was the first printmaking class at Interlochen. There are four adult students, and it is the inaugural class in the Mallory-Towsley building, a purpose-built facility for the Interlochen College of Creative Arts. It's quite incredible, the facilities they have here: light, airy classrooms, overhead projectors where you can just plug in your laptop to a wall socket and off you go. We did contact monoprints in the first class, both black and white and multi-colour. The print displayed above is a black and white contact monoprint by some student whose name I think is Patty McNair or something. A contact monoprint is so-called because you roll a think layer of ink on a clear sheet of acetate, place paper over the inked plate, and start drawing. When you lift the paper up, you see that the ink has transferred wherever the paper came into contact with the layer of ink.
On Tuesday, we'll do additive monoprint, which is essentially painting with inks on the acetate.
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