As a way of maybe cheering up supporters of the US Democratic party after the heavy losses in the recent mid-term elections, here is a clip of music from when left-wing propaganda art really meant something. It's the 'Song of Mother Courage' from Bertolt Brecht's play of the same name. Here's a funny thing: anyone who knows me or has attended mine and Patty's parties has probably heard me do my party piece, which is the version of this song from the original Paul Dessau music, as translated and then sung by Robyn Archer in the 1980s. The version in this clip is by a popular young British crooner known as Duke, who provided his own music for an acclaimed version of 'Mother Courage' at the National Theatre last year. Purists may faint when they hear it, but I think it's pretty great, and I suspect that Brecht, who professed to hate music anyway, might have approved.
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