If I spend four hours patiently drawing shapes with airbrush colour, why would I cover the whole canvas with water, take a big brush, and partially erase the drawing?
Your guess is as good as mine, guvnor. Actually, maybe my guess is better: the lines were too dominating, so I pushed them back a little in order to keep the various elements in balance.
This photo is a truer representation of the tone of the picture than the photos I posted yesterday. However, I quite like the yellow-gold tone of those photos, and I am considering adding that to the painting. That will haev to wait until next Friday, which is the next time I'll be able to get to the studio.
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Your guess is as good as mine, guvnor. Actually, maybe my guess is better: the lines were too dominating, so I pushed them back a little in order to keep the various elements in balance.
This photo is a truer representation of the tone of the picture than the photos I posted yesterday. However, I quite like the yellow-gold tone of those photos, and I am considering adding that to the painting. That will haev to wait until next Friday, which is the next time I'll be able to get to the studio.
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