I glued together the second half of the signatures of the 100-page accordion book. Here they are with my most excellent vintage iron pressing down on them:
I have ended up with a few signatures to spare from the 100-page accordion book, so I experimented with different colours:
I tried a rose-red colour, but that didn't work at all, so I used sanguine, and that worked better with the brown, silver, and blue:
The first colour was a mixture of sanguine and black, so it makes sense that using one of the original component colours would harmonise more easily.
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I have ended up with a few signatures to spare from the 100-page accordion book, so I experimented with different colours:
I tried a rose-red colour, but that didn't work at all, so I used sanguine, and that worked better with the brown, silver, and blue:
The first colour was a mixture of sanguine and black, so it makes sense that using one of the original component colours would harmonise more easily.
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