While I'm still recovering from the flu and unable to get to my studio, hence unable to blog about anything new in my own work, I thought I'd bring to your attention another artist I've discovered since Christmas.
Her name is Kirsty Hall. She lives in Bristol, England, and I found my way to her excellent blog when I was doing some of my periodical research around the interwebs for interesting art blogs, websites, and so forth. Her work mixes conceptual ideas with a deep absorption in materials. There's something playful about it, too, which, judging by the tone of her blog, evidently stems from the artist's personality.
In a piece called 3 score and 10 (shown above), for example, she made this work by tying knots in 70 pieces of string, each string containing 365 knots (for each day of one year, obviously), to make a total of 25,568 knots - the exact number of days including leap years that someone would live during their Biblically allotted lifespan of 70 years.
In 2011, Kirsty has started a project called 365 Jars. Each day she takes a walk and releases a jar containing a tiny piece of her art into the wild. Glued to the lid are instructions about what to do when you find the jar. One assume that many jars will be lost, but if people follow her invitation to log their find on the project website, the project soon becomes communal and collaborative, and may lead to interesting connections between the artist and the finders.
If you visit her sites and like what you see, drop her a line either by email or on Twitter. She's extremely tied in to social media and very approachable.
And say that I sent you.
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Her name is Kirsty Hall. She lives in Bristol, England, and I found my way to her excellent blog when I was doing some of my periodical research around the interwebs for interesting art blogs, websites, and so forth. Her work mixes conceptual ideas with a deep absorption in materials. There's something playful about it, too, which, judging by the tone of her blog, evidently stems from the artist's personality.
In a piece called 3 score and 10 (shown above), for example, she made this work by tying knots in 70 pieces of string, each string containing 365 knots (for each day of one year, obviously), to make a total of 25,568 knots - the exact number of days including leap years that someone would live during their Biblically allotted lifespan of 70 years.
In 2011, Kirsty has started a project called 365 Jars. Each day she takes a walk and releases a jar containing a tiny piece of her art into the wild. Glued to the lid are instructions about what to do when you find the jar. One assume that many jars will be lost, but if people follow her invitation to log their find on the project website, the project soon becomes communal and collaborative, and may lead to interesting connections between the artist and the finders.
If you visit her sites and like what you see, drop her a line either by email or on Twitter. She's extremely tied in to social media and very approachable.
And say that I sent you.
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