The Carroll County Mirror Democrat, which is the main newspaper in the place where I'm having my public art event on October 30th, publishes snippets of articles from 10 years ago, 20 years ago, etc. Here's one from 80 years ago that they published in the last issue. Don't you love the formality of it? (This one's for Ted Dawson.)
"A package of sausage was left on our desk at noon with the compliments of the Center Hill Smiths, showing that the butchering season has started, although it is yet a little warm. Thanks, we will try out the sausage for breakfast.
"The high school Commercial Club had its first social "get-to-gether" last Thursday after school. About 20 members, with Miss Barr, enjoyed a weiner (sic) roast at the favorite spot beyond the city park. Several games were played to create an appetite worthy of the good eats that followed. After the last marshmallows had been toasted by the light of the fire, all sang songs until they thought of Friday's lessons then they left for home. It is unanimous that everyone there had the "best time ever"."
From now on, whenever I hear someone describe something as 'Brilliant!' or 'Awesome!', I'm going to ask if they would consider using that last sentence instead.
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